
VISTA consist of 5 main Work Packages combined with a preparation and project management work package.

Work Package 1: Business potential analysis


WP leader: Bricklog GmbH

WP deliverables: Business potential calculation tool, product-market combinations overview, spin-off potential overview

Though the general business case – preventing damage and delivering time-accurate docking – is known, cost reduction will depend on site specifics. In this work package, a more detailed analysis will take place, comparing docking processes with and without the VISTA solution. All possible benefits will be considered. This work will result in a calculation tool for distribution center owners to calculate VISTA business potential for their specific site. In parallel, future spin-off opportunities for the VISTA technology will be analyzed. Also, product-market combinations for project partners will be defined.

Work package 2: Vision based RTLS


WP leader: Track 32

WP deliverables: Vision based RTLS system, optional: optical vehicle dimension measurement system

In this work package, an RTLS (Real Time Localization System) will be developed using machine vision technology, By using cameras and the appropriate machine learning algorithms, the pose – location and orientation – of all vehicle elements will be ‘measured’ continuously.  This information, optionally combined with a top-view video stream, will be sent to the path planning and path following algorithms to be developed in work package 3. A second, optional task of this work package is to develop an optical vehicle configuration measurement system. This system may use cameras, combined with deep learning technology to measure the location of all axles under the vehicle as well as some relevant vehicle dimensions that will improve the accuracy of the path planning and path following algorithms.

Work package 3: Vehicle planning & control


WP leader: V-Tron GmbH

WP deliverables: Robust path planning and path following algorithms, open model-based development tools

Based on the real time vehicle location information from the RTLS, a path planning algorithm is required to plan the maneuvering paths for the docking process. This path planning algorithm needs to take vehicle dimensions, vehicle abilities and also surrounding obstacles into account: The path shall be feasible, efficient and safe. As soon as the path is planned, a path following algorithm calculates the desired vehicle speed and steering angle during maneuvering. Work package 3 is responsible for developing robust path planning and path following algorithms. As these algorithms require mathematical truck/trailer models and computer simulations for robust functionality, work package 3 will also deliver open (-source) development tools for the VISTA technology so future market parties can continue development using these online available tools.

Work Package 4: Human machine interface


WP leader: Coduct GmbH

WP deliverables: HMI

The output of the path following algorithm needs to be communicated to the truck driver in such a way that the driver thrusts the provided information and is able to execute it quickly and accurately. This requires an intuitive Human Machine Interface (HMI), that will be developed in work package 4. The development of the HMI will start with a usability study. Various HMI versions will be developed. The HMI solutions will be tested in a driving simulator as well as in real life. A good HMI is considered crucial for the success of the VISTA solution.

Work package 5: Integration


WP leader: V-Tron GmbH

WP deliverable: Integrated, scaled lab test setup, real life test and demonstration environments

In work package 5, all elements of the other work packages, especially these from work package 2, 3 and 4 will be integrated. Two main integrating environments will be used. The first environment is a scaled setup in the HAN laboratory, using scaled truck/trailers to test most integration aspects on a setup that is cost effective, permanently available and able to reproduce experiments. The final environment is a real file environment at one or two distribution centers. In these environment, the integral solution will be tested and ultimately demonstrated on TRL 7 level.